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  • EDT 1999  Austin Donnelly's avatar
    Honest, guv, it's not a feature - it's a tightly integrated package of · bf8db4ad
    EDT 1999 Austin Donnelly authored
    Mon Sep 20 12:51:30 EDT 1999  Austin Donnelly  <>
    	Honest, guv, it's not a feature - it's a tightly integrated
    	package of undo system cleanups and fixes.
    	* app/undo_history.c: window showing recent undo (and redo) steps
    	* app/undo_types.h: broken out of undo.h to fix circular includes.
    	* app/ compile undo_history.c
    	* app/channel.h: use enum for channel undo type, not just magic
    	* app/layer.h: same for layer undos.
    	* app/commands.c: edit_show_undo_history_cmd_callback() function to
    	    pull up undo history window.
    	* app/commands.h: prototype for above.
    	* app/gdisplay.c: make undo / redo menu items sensitive according
    	    to whether they would do anything.  Would be easy to change
    	    the text to say what would be undone/redone, but I don't know
    	    the GTK.
    	* app/gimpimage.c: new signal emitted by gimage:
    	    UNDO_EVENT. gimp_image_un...