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  • Jehan's avatar
    Issue #8124: plug-in localization now totally moved plug-in side. · 81b569cb
    Jehan authored
    Plug-in localization was always partially plug-in side, especially for
    things like custom GUI. But labels or blurb in GIMP (such as in menus or
    action search) were localizing GIMP side.
    It had many drawbacks:
    - To get menu localization, a plug-in had to set up gettext, even though
      they might want to use something else for their GUI (after all, giving
      facilities for gettext is a good idea, but there is no reason to force
      using this system).
    - There was a complex internal system passing the localization domain
      name, as well as the catalog file system path to core, then through
      various classes which we can now get rid of.
    - There could be domain name clashes, if 2 plug-ins were to use the same
      i18n domain name. This was handled in now removed functions
      gimp_plug_in_manager_get_locale_domains() by simply keeping a unique
      one (and gimp_plug_in_manager_bind_text_domains() would just bind the
      domain to the kept directory). In o...