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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    Font configuration stuff: You can rescan for fonts on the fly now. A · b658e763
    Manish Singh authored
    2003-09-01  Manish Singh  <>
            Font configuration stuff: You can rescan for fonts on the fly now.
            A couple caveats: the text tool font dialog doesn't get updated, but
            that's supposed to be going away. The new font dock doesn't resort
            on update, but mitch is supposed to fix that. :)
            Some nice stuff for advanced font users: GIMP local font directories,
            and an optional site and user fonts.conf.
            I thought about supporting the auto-resan feature in fontconfig,
            but it might take too much time to do a scan so I haven't implemented
            it. Another thing I want to do is create fontconfig caches in the
            local dirs.
            * text/gimpfonts.[ch]: gimp_fonts_init/load/reset implementation.
            * text/ added gimpfonts.[ch]
            * app/core/gimp.c: use gimp_fonts_init/reset.
            * app/config/gimpcoreconfig.[ch]
            * app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h: added font-path config setting.
            * app/gui/preferences-dialog.c: Add a Font Folders section for the
            above. Also added a Rescan Font List button, which goes in the
            Environment section. Not sure if this is the right place...
            it also looks kinda ugly all by its lonesome.
            * app/gui/user-install-dialog.c: mention the fonts directory.
            * themes/Default/images/preferences/
            * themes/Default/images/preferences/folders-fonts.png: dummy icon for
            font folders pref, probably a folder with a little "T" in the corner
            would be good.
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