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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    code cleanup. Removed unsued code, renamed variables and types. · adff5aeb
    Sven Neumann authored
    2005-02-11  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/base/pixel-processor.[ch]: code cleanup. Removed unsued code,
    	renamed variables and types.
    	* app/base/gimphistogram.c
    	* app/core/gimpchannel-combine.c
    	* app/core/gimpchannel.c
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-equalize.c
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-invert.c
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-levels.c
    	* app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/color.pdb: changed accordingly.
    	* app/pdb/color_cmds.c: regenerated.
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