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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/ app/lc_dialog.[ch] app/lc_dialogP.h new files · ac98e8fa
    Michael Natterer authored
    1999-06-06  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/
    	* app/lc_dialog.[ch]
    	* app/lc_dialogP.h
    	* app/paths_dialogP.h: new files
    	* app/channels_dialog.[ch]
    	* app/layers_dialog.[ch]
    	* app/layers_dialogP.h
    	* app/paths_dialog.[ch]
    	* app/menus.[ch]
    	* app/file_new_dialog.c: modified
    	- Moved the toplevel L&C dialog code to lc_dialog.[ch]. Only
    	  these files need knowledge about how to create/update/...
    	  the sub-dialogs, so the corresp. functions are defined in
    	- The popup menus are now created by menus.c. The command
    	  callbacks are defined in [layers|channels|paths]_dialog.h.
    	- Private functions to be used by "friend files" are defined in
    	- Changed the order of the ops_buttons in the paths dialog to
    	  match the order in the layers and channels dialogs.
    	- The paint mode menu and preview stuff still needs to go out of
    	- I'm not sure about th...
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