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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    added a new simple widget which provides a color preview area capable of · aa9931f8
    Sven Neumann authored
    2001-01-09  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* libgimp/gimpcolorarea.[ch]: added a new simple widget which
    	provides a color preview area capable of DND. It will be used
    	in the GimpColorButton and in the color_selectors.
    	* libgimp/
    	* libgimp/gimpui.h
    	* libgimp/gimpuitypes.h: include the new files
    	* libgimp/gimpcolor.[ch]: use proper names instead of abbreviations
    	* app/asupsample.c
    	* plug-ins/Lighting/lighting_preview.c
    	* plug-ins/Lighting/lighting_shade.c
    	* plug-ins/MapObject/mapobject_preview.c
    	* plug-ins/MapObject/mapobject_shade.c
    	* plug-ins/libgck/gck/gckcolor.c: changed accordingly
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