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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    the Tool structure is now allocated by a common constructor which sets · a60b2c2f
    Michael Natterer authored
    1999-07-02  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/[all tools]: the Tool structure is now allocated by a common
    	constructor which sets default values and provides default tool
    	action functions. To get rid of much code duplication there should
    	be a object hierarchy of tools.
    	* app/context_manager.c
    	* app/tools.[ch]: create and destroy private contexts for the
    	paint tools on startup and exit. They are not used yet.
    	* app/interface.c
    	* app/menus.c
    	* app/tools.h: num_tools is now exported in tools.h
    	* app/commands.c
    	* app/gdisplay.c
    	* app/menus.c: made "Toggle Selection" a toggleable menu item.
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