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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    renamed gimp_histogram_nchannels() to gimp_histogram_n_channels(). · 9eaace41
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-01-13  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/base/gimphistogram.[ch]: renamed gimp_histogram_nchannels()
    	to gimp_histogram_n_channels().
    	* app/core/gimpdrawable-histogram.c: removed silly double negation
    	logic. Cleanup.
    	* app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c
    	* app/widgets/gimphistogramview.c: adjust the GimpHistogramChannel
    	for GRAYA images to make sure we pick alpha from the right slot.
    	* app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c
    	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.c: removed the same hack here and call
    	gimp_histogram_view_set_channel() with the correct enum value.
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/color.pdb (levels, curves, histogram): fiddle
    	with enum values here too so GRAY* drawables produce the correct
    	Fixed precondition checks and set "success" in a uniform way all
    	over the place.
    	Use gimp_drawable_calculate_histogram() instead of duplicating its
    	code here.
    	(started with a patch from Pedro Gimeno. Fixes bug #109078)
    	* app/pdb/color_cmds.c: regenerated.
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