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  • Jehan's avatar
    plug-ins: replace gimp_[sg]et_data() with an aux bytes argument in curve-bend. · f2734cec
    Jehan authored
    I also remove (without replacement) 2 usages of gimp_get_data() without
    associated gimp_set_data(). According to the comment, it looks like the
    associated data was likely set by the GAP plug-in instead. Let's drop this.
    Finally I see a lot of arguments, several of them being float arrays, so I
    wondered if they were related to the curve and point arrays we are storing as
    aux arg now. Apparently these arguments are not even used in the plug-in, right
    now, which is explained in commit e318651c. Maybe if these were actually
    used/set and if we implement float array (de)serialization, would this aux
    argument become useless?
    Lastly, I deleted some code paths which were never used. For instance, stored
    bval.total_steps was never set to anything else than 0 anywhere (so I removed
    both the variable and the other code-path, which actually ended up being the
    GAP-related data get). Additionally in p_bender_calculate_iter_curve(), there
    was a big else block which was only happening when the GAP-related variables
    were set. It got deleted too (as is a function only used in this block of code).