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  • Jehan's avatar
    app, libgimp*, pdb, plug-ins: GimpContext is now using only GeglColor. · dbbcfb16
    Jehan authored
    - app: gimp_context_get_(foreground|background)() are now returning a GeglColor.
    - libgimp: PDB functions named similarly in libgimp are returning a newly
      allocated GeglColor too.
    - A few other PDB functions (the ones using these functions) were updated and
      their signature changed to use GeglColor too, when relevant. Plug-ins which
      use any of the changed libgimp functions were fixed.
    - GimpContext: signals "(foreground|background)-changed" are now passing a
    - libgimpconfig: new macro GIMP_CONFIG_PROP_COLOR using gegl_param_spec_color().
    - GimpContext: properties "foreground" and "background" are now GeglParamColor
    - app: All code interacting with GimpContext objects were updated to receive a
      GeglColor (that they may still convert, or no, to GimpRGB for now).
    - app: gimp_prop_gegl_color_button_new() was added as an alternative to
      gimp_prop_color_button_new() when the property is a GeglParamColor. Eventually
      the former should replace completely the latter.
    - libgimpwidgets: gimp_prop_color_area_new() now works on GeglParamColor
      properties only.
    - libgimp: gimp_procedure_dialog_get_widget() will generate a GimpColorArea for
      GeglTypeParamColor arguments.