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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    Bug 736907 - Compat mode for XCF · 950f753e
    Michael Natterer authored
    - add gimp_image_get,get_xcf_compat_mode()
    - add a compat toggle to GimpFileDialog which is shown and sensitive
      only for a save (not export), and if the image structure allows
      to save an old version at all. The button also has a tooltip
      which explains why it is sensitive and what it does
    - add "gboolean xcf_compat" to file_save_dialog_save_image()
    - in file_save_dialog_save_image(), call image_set_xcf_compat_mode(TRUE)
      only around the call to file_save() and set it to FALSE after saving
    - in xcf_save_invoker(), honor the image's XCF compat flag and save an
      RLE-compressed XCF if possible
    The above is very convoluted and doesn't pass the "xcf_compat" boolean
    directly because we can't change the parameters of gimp-xcf-save, and
    because the gimp-xcf-save might be called indirectly.