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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Store the GimpBrushCore::brush_bound_segs as sorted (the result of · 8cf79496
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    2005-06-26  Tor Lillqvist  <>
    	* app/tools/gimppainttool.c (gimp_paint_tool_draw): Store the
    	GimpBrushCore::brush_bound_segs as sorted (the result of
    	sort_boundary), as the only place where it is used
    	(gimp_draw_tool_draw_boundary()) would sort it each time it is
    	called anyway.
    	* app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c (gimp_draw_tool_draw_boundary):
    	Correspondingly we now don't have to sort the boundary here.