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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    don't call tile_ewidth() three times from the inner loop. · 847e41fa
    Sven Neumann authored
    2004-06-13  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/paint-funcs/paint-funcs.c (shapeburst_region): don't call
    	tile_ewidth() three times from the inner loop.
    	* app/base/tile-manager.c (tile_manager_get): don't call
    	tile_size() twice on the same tile.
    	* app/base/tile-private.h: added tile_size_inline(), an inline
    	version of the tile_size() function.
    	* app/base/tile-cache.c
    	* app/base/tile-manager.c
    	* app/base/tile-swap.c
    	* app/base/tile.c: use tile_size_inline() from inside the tile
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