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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Win32-only case- insensitive hash and equality functions. · 822065c0
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    2007-02-09  Tor Lillqvist  <>
    	* app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c
    	(gimp_environ_table_case_insensitive_equal): Win32-only case-
    	insensitive hash and equality functions.
    	(gimp_environ_table_load): On Win32, use the above functions for
    	the vars hash table. This fixes the problem that occurs when the
    	actual PATH environment variable is spelled Path (as it seems to
    	often be), but the default.env file as set up by the installer
    	provides PATH. They didn't match so both would be passed to the
    	plug-in child process, and apparently which one then was used to
    	look for DLLs was more or less random. If it was the original
    	Path, it didn't contain the directories the installer put in PATH
    	in default.env, and plug-ins didn't find the DLLs.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=21883
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