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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    don't try to set the preview_size of plain GtkMenuItems. · 800bbb7e
    Michael Natterer authored
    2002-05-10  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/widgets/gimpcontainermenuimpl.c: don't try to set the
    	preview_size of plain GtkMenuItems.
    	* app/widgets/gimpdocumentview.c: fixed the "update" and
    	"delete dangling" functionals. They got passed wrong user_data.
    	* app/widgets/gimpitemfactory.c (gtk_item_factory_set_visible): if
    	the widget found is a menu, get it's parent item and show/hide
    	* app/widgets/gimppreview.c (gimp_preview_set_viewable): always
    	clear preview->buffer so we don't display previews of vanished
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