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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    the virtual serialize_property() returning FALSE doesn't mean the · 7fe80e8d
    Michael Natterer authored
    2003-02-08  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/config/gimpconfig-serialize.c (gimp_config_serialize_property):
    	the virtual serialize_property() returning FALSE doesn't mean the
    	serialization failed but that the function didn't handle the
    	property, so don't error but continue with the default
    	implementation. Print newlines after properties only if
    	indent_level == 0.
    	* app/gui/tool-options-dialog.c: added tool options saving/loading
    	as quickly hacked proof-of-concept.
    	* app/paint/paint-enums.[ch]: added enum GimpInkBlobType.
    	* app/tools/gimpinkoptions.[ch]: ported to object properties,
    	* app/tools/gimpinktool.c: changed accordingly.
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