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  • Helvetix Victorinox's avatar
    app/composite/gimp-composite.h app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.h · 7b7b3c3f
    Helvetix Victorinox authored
    *	app/composite/gimp-composite.h
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.h
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-regression.h: Reformatted to include
      argument names in function prototypes.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite.c
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.c
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-regression.c: Added gtk-doc templates for functions.
    * app/composite/ migrated to new (trimmer) code and
      removed dead code.  Some beautification for generated code.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-{mmx,sse,sse2,3dnow,altivec,vis,generic}.{c,h}:
      All init() functions are also a run-time check and now expected to
      return TRUE/FALSE if the particular set of compositing functions can
      be used.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite.c: No longer has to determine if
      the particular set of compositing functions can be used.
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-{mmx,sse,sse2,3dnow,altivec,vis}-{install,test}.c:
    * app/composite/test-composite.c: Deprecated, removed.  All tests are automatically
      generated and the code is in app/composite/gimp-composite-{mmx,sse,sse2,3dnow,altivec,vis}-test.c:
    * app/composite/ removed unused references to test-composite.c