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  • BST 1999 Andy Thomas's avatar
    Changed:- · 67dbf49b
    BST 1999 Andy Thomas authored
    Mon Apr  5 22:24:30 BST 1999 Andy Thomas <>
    	* app/bezier_select.c
    	* app/bezier_selectP.h
    	* app/paths_cmds.c
    	* app/pathsP.h
    	* app/paths_dialog.c
    	* app/xcf.c
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/paths.pdb
    	New PDB functions.
    	  gimp_path_get_point_at_dist (gets the x,y of a point a given distance
    	                          along the curve & the normal at the point).
           	Paths now have tattoos (similar to the layer and image tattoos).
    	* app/move.c
    	* app/scroll.c
    	Try to fix the problem where mouse events from the rulers get
    	mixed up with those from the canvas causing guides & image dragging
    	to "jump" around when the mouse enters the ruler areas.
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