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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    added GimpDropMode... ...removed from here. · 59b06707
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-05-06  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/appenums.h: added GimpDropMode...
    	* app/gimpdnd.h: ...removed from here.
    	* app/gimpimage.[ch]:
    	- New signal "mode_changed".
    	- removed "const GimpImage*" from gimp_image_colormap_changed()
    	  because a signal emission is never "const" for the object
    	  which emits the signal.
    	- Fixed gimp_image_[set|get]_component_[active|visible]():
    	  ALPHA_CHANNEL maps to ALPHA_PIX only in RGB mode, use
    	* app/gimpimage-convert.c
    	* app/undo.c: call gimp_image_mode_changed().
    	* app/gimpviewable.c: added an implementation of
    	"invalidate_preview" which frees the preview temp_buf which may be
    	attached to the viewable. Subclasses need to chain up now.
    	* app/gimpdrawable.c
    	* app/gimpimage.c: chain up in invalidate_preview().
    	* app/widgets/gimpchannellistview.c: connect to the image's
    	"mode_changed" signal and rebuild the channel list in the
    	* app/widgets/gimpcontainerview.h: indentation.
    	* app/widgets/gimpdockbook.c: set the dockable's context to NULL
    	in gimp_dockbook_remove()
    	* app/widgets/gimpimagedock.c: forgot to actually set the dock's
    	image in gimp_image_dock_new().
    	* app/gui/dialogs-constructors.c: added a get_name_func() for tool
    	views which returns the tool's "blurb". It's safe to assume now
    	that a dockable's context will exist as long as the dockable
    	exists unless it's explicitely set to NULL, so remove ugly hacks
    	handling context destruction.
    	* app/tools/gimptool.c: removed COMPAT_CRUFT and useless #include's.
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