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  • Jehan's avatar
    plug-ins: various fixes and nitpicking to file-webp. · 58e6f6ca
    Jehan authored
    - get_preset_from_id() was defined in file-webp-dialog.c but used in
      file-webp.c only. Move it there.
    - Make the preset list available in file-webp-save.h header (since it
      is specifically an encoder attribute) as static, because it is used
      both in the dialog ("preset" choice list) and the main file (for match
      of the "preset" parameter as internal ID to a WebPPreset when run as
    - Generate the "preset" parameter description from the preset list.
      This way, even if this list were to change (in some hypothetical
      future), the description (and in particular the list of possible
      values and their int match) won't end up wrong.
    - "enum WebPPreset" is typedef-ed to "WebPPreset".
    - Use G_N_ELEMENTS to compute length of arrays on the stack (equivalent
      to the current code but shorter and simpler to read).
    - Many formatting fixes.