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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/gimpdnd.c remove the remaining defines of GRAD_CHECK_SIZE and include · 56d10ac4
    Michael Natterer authored
    1999-10-30  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/gimpdnd.c
    	* app/undo_history.c: remove the remaining defines of
    	GRAD_CHECK_SIZE and include libgimp/gimplimits.h instead.
    	* app/undo_history.c: connect to the image's "rename" signal to
    	update the window title.
    	* app/disp_callbacks.c
    	* app/gdisplay.c
    	* app/info_window.[ch]: did the same for the info dialog.
    	The info window has to remember the gdisplay to disconnect from
    	the image's "rename" signal, so I removed the gdisplay parameter
    	from the update functions.
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