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  • Michael Natterer's avatar app/ new directory which will contain all gui code · 517de92a
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-04-14  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/
    	* app/gui/ new directory which will contain all gui code
    	except widgets (I was tired off adding new files to app/).
    	* app/apptypes.h
    	* app/gui/gimpdialogfactory.[ch]: factory which produces dialogs
    	from string descriptions. Should maybe go to widgets/.
    	* app/gui/dialogs-commands.[ch]: callbacks for the new menu
    	factory below.
    	* app/gui/dialogs-constructors.[ch]: dialog constructors which are
    	registered with the dialog factory.
    	* app/gui/dialogs.[ch]: register the dialogs with the factory.
    	* app/app_procs.c: call dialogs_register().
    	* app/menus.[ch]: a new item factory for creating dialogs.
    	* app/test_commands.c
    	* app/widgets/gimpdock.[ch]: added a dialog factory pointer to the
    	GimpDock struct.
    	* app/widgets/gimpdockbook.[ch]: badly (badly!) fiddle around with
    	GtkNotebook's menu to get it integrated in the GtkItemFactory
    	which produces new dialogs.
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