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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    new prefs. page "Help System" because there will soon be more widgets · 50fe2885
    Michael Natterer authored
    1999-11-20  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/preferences_dialog.c: new prefs. page "Help System" because
    	there will soon be more widgets there (browser selection etc.)
    	Cleaned up the "Display" and "Interface" pages a bit.
    	* app/menus.c
    	* plug-ins/common/plugindetails.c: add "...".
    	* libgimp/gimpfileselection.c
    	* libgimp/gimppatheditor.c: a widget shouldn't connect to it's own
    	"realize" signal. Set widget_class->realize = <widget>_realize
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