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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    Correctly translated & sorted plug-in actions & menu entries: · 4e8105c1
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-04-27  Michael Natterer  <>
    	Correctly translated & sorted plug-in actions & menu entries:
    	* app/widgets/gimpuimanager.[ch]: added a "gchar *name" property
    	and a hash table which keeps all created UI managers (similar to
    	GimpActionGroup's hash table). Added function
    	gimp_ui_managers_from_name() which returns a list of all managers
    	with the given name.
    	* app/widgets/gimpmenufactory.c: register a name per UI manager
    	and pass the name to gimp_ui_manager_new().
    	* app/actions/plug-in-actions.c: added code which correctly
    	translates the created plug-in actions and also creates translated
    	menu actions for the plug-in's menu_path elements.
    	* app/gui/plug-in-menus.[ch]: sort the plug-ins' menu entries
    	using a GTree. For each entry, recursivlely create submenus
    	from the dynamic menu actions created above before creating
    	the plug-in's menu entry itself.
    	* app/gui/image-menu.c (image_menu_setup2)
    	* app/gui/toolbox-menu.c (toolbox_menu_setup2): call
    	* app/gui/gui-vtable.c (gui_menus_create_entry)
    	(gui_menus_delete_entry): added some uglyness which maps old <Prefix>
    	menu identifiers to new-style UI manager plus ui_path tuples and
    	call plug_in_menus_add,remove_proc() accordingly.
    	* menus/image-menu.xml
    	* menus/toolbox-menu.xml: added name="Foo" attributes to all menus
    	so plug-in entries find their place.
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