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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    added new function gimp_message() as a replacement for g_message(). Part · 48d054e8
    Sven Neumann authored
    2006-08-08  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/core/gimp.[ch]: added new function gimp_message() as a
    	replacement for g_message(). Part of the fix for bug #347214.
    	* app/actions/data-commands.c
    	* app/actions/documents-commands.c
    	* app/actions/file-commands.c
    	* app/actions/layers-commands.c
    	* app/core/gimpimage-convert.c
    	* app/core/gimpimagefile.c
    	* app/core/gimpitem.c
    	* app/core/gimplayer.c
    	* app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c
    	* app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c
    	* app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c
    	* app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c
    	* app/pdb/gimppdb.c
    	* app/tools/gimpblendtool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpcolorbalancetool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpcolorizetool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c
    	* app/tools/gimphuesaturationtool.c
    	* app/tools/gimplevelstool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpposterizetool.c
    	* app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c
    	* app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c
    	* app/xcf/xcf-load.c
    	* app/xcf/xcf-private.h
    	* app/xcf/xcf-save.c
    	* app/xcf/xcf.c
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/brush.pdb
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/gradient.pdb
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/image.pdb
    	* tools/pdbgen/pdb/palette.pdb: use gimp_message() instead of
    	gimp_message() whenever we have a GimpProgress.
    	* app/pdb/brush_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/gradient_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/image_cmds.c
    	* app/pdb/palette_cmds.c: regenerated.
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