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  • CET 1999 Olof S Kylander's avatar
    plug-ins/AlienMap/AlienMap.c plug-ins/AlienMap2/AlienMap2.c · 48c7eb05
    CET 1999 Olof S Kylander authored
    Sat Nov 20 19:52:30 CET 1999 Olof S Kylander <>
            * plug-ins/AlienMap/AlienMap.c
            * plug-ins/AlienMap2/AlienMap2.c
            * plug-ins/FractalExplorer/FractalExplorer.c
            * plug-ins/common/CML_explorer.c
            * plug-ins/common/checkerboard.c
            * plug-ins/common/diffraction.c
            * plug-ins/common/exchange.c
            * plug-ins/common/gqbist.c
            * plug-ins/common/gradmap.c
            * plug-ins/common/grid.c
            * plug-ins/common/lic.c
            * plug-ins/common/mapcolor.c
            * plug-ins/common/newsprint.c
            * plug-ins/common/plasma.c
            * plug-ins/common/randomize.c
            * plug-ins/common/sample_colorize.c
            * plug-ins/common/scatter_hsv.c
            * plug-ins/common/snoise.c
            * plug-ins/common/warp.c
            * plug-ins/flame/flame.c
            * plug-ins/ifscompose/ifscompose.c
            * plug-ins/maze/maze.c
            Updated menu location as suggested in the proposal from me
            with comments form others. (Mitch what about fixing the sub
            menu location so submenus allways is in top of a menu. Exception
            of Repeat last, Re-show last and Filter all Layers, which should
            be in top of the Filters menu.)
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