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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    Removed the old paths and the remaining legacy stuff it needed. Fixes bug · 487f71ba
    Michael Natterer authored
    2003-05-21  Michael Natterer  <>
    	Removed the old paths and the remaining legacy stuff it needed.
    	Fixes bug #104471.
    	* pixmaps/*: removed the pixmaps/ directory.
    	* app/ops_buttons.[ch]
    	* app/path.[ch]
    	* app/pathP.h
    	* app/path_transform.h
    	* app/gui/paths-dialog.[ch]
    	* app/tools/gimpbezierselecttool.[ch]: removed these files.
    	* app/
    	* app/gui/
    	* app/tools/ changed accordingly.
    	* app/core/core-types.h: removed the Path* types.
    	* app/core/gimpimage.[ch]
    	* app/core/gimpimage-duplicate.c: removed gimage->paths.
    	* app/gui/about-dialog.c: inline wilber2_xpm for now.
    	* app/gui/dialogs-constructors.c
    	* app/gui/dialogs-menu.c
    	* app/gui/dialogs.c
    	* app/gui/menus.c: removed the old paths dialog.
    	* app/gui/gui.c: removed gui_rotate_the_shield_harmonics() hack
    	which was broken anyway.
    	* app/tools/gimptransformtool.c: #if 0 path_transform preview stuff.
    	* app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c: removed useless include.
    	* app/tools/tools.c: removed the bezier select tool.
    	* app/vectors/gimpvectors.c (gimp_vectors_real_stroke_add): use
    	g_list_append(), not g_list_prepend() so some ugly side conditions
    	of legacy path loading are honored.
    	* app/xcf/xcf-load.c
    	* app/xcf/xcf-save.c: load and save only GimpVectors.
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