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  • Øyvind Kolås's avatar
    stop using gegl_operation_class_set_name() for gimp gegl ops. · 47fc7211
    Øyvind Kolås authored
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationcolorbalance.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationcolorize.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationcurves.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationdesaturate.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationhuesaturation.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationlevels.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationposterize.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationthreshold.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationtilesink.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationtilesource.c:
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationdesaturate.c: stop using
    gegl_operation_class_set_name() for gimp gegl ops.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=24750
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