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  • Martin Nordholts's avatar
    Reuse the blending formula from the legacy Soft light. (Actually the · 3cd7f45a
    Martin Nordholts authored
    * app/gegl/gimpoperationpointlayermode.c
    (gimp_operation_point_layer_mode_process): Reuse the blending
    formula from the legacy Soft light. (Actually the formula comes
    from legacy Overlay but legacy Overlay and Soft light blends
    pixels exactly the same.) I hereby declare the porting of the
    layer modes to this GEGL operation complete. Summary:
    Completely works the same:
      Normal, Dissolve, Behind, Color Erase, Erase, Anti Erase
    Works the same for 100% opaque layers:
      Lighten only, Screen, Dodge, Addition, Darken only, Multiply,
      Dodge, Soft light, Hard light, Difference, Subtract, Grain
      extract, Grain merge, Divide, Hue, Saturation, Color, Value
    Works different but similar:
      Overlay now uses the SVG 1.2 overlay formula which is different
      but similar to legacy Overlay
      Replace needs to be externally masked to not replace too much,
      but that is outside the scope of the layer mode porting.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=27541