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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    app/display/ new file with GimpCursorMode enum. · 39ab860e
    Sven Neumann authored
    2001-12-18  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/display/
    	* app/display/display-enums.h: new file with GimpCursorMode enum.
    	* app/display/display-types.h: removed CursorMode enum here, include
    	* app/gimprc.c
    	* app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c
    	* app/gui/preferences-dialog.c: changed accordingly.
    	* app/config/
    	* app/config/gimpbaseconfig.[ch]
    	* app/config/gimpcoreconfig.[ch]
    	* app/config/gimpdisplayconfig.[ch]
    	* app/config/gimpguiconfig.[ch]: implemented the remaining properties.
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