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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    acinclude.m4 m4macros/ new macro: GIMP_DETECT_CFLAGS; used to · b55753bb
    Manish Singh authored
    2005-07-31  Manish Singh  <>
            * acinclude.m4
            * m4macros/
            * m4macros/detectcflags.m4: new macro: GIMP_DETECT_CFLAGS; used
            to detect which of a set of compiler options a compiler supports.
            * use the above for the altivec and -fno-strict-aliasing
            flags. Also, use it to detect the presence of -mmmx and -msse, since
            those are needed to compile even MMX/SSE assembly with gcc 4.0. Define
            * app/composite/ compile each of the composite flavors
            into their own library, so we can use automake's per-target CFLAGS.
            Use MMX/SSE/ALTIVEC_EXTRA_CFLAGS in the appropriate places. Build
            libappcomposite.a out of the resulting objects.
            * app/composite/gimp-composite-3dnow.c
            * app/composite/gimp-composite-altivec.c
            * app/composite/gimp-composite-mmx.c
            * app/...