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  • Helvetix Victorinox's avatar
    app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.c app/composite/gimp-composite-mmx.c · 35d83c27
    Helvetix Victorinox authored
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-generic.c
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-mmx.c
    * app/composite/gimp-composite-sse.c
    Incorporated a very clean patch from
    (Frederic Leroy) which improves the generic performance of the
    burn compositing function.  Speed is improved at a cost of a 64k
    look-up table which is probably manageable for 8bpp images, but at
    larger bpp images (which currently are not supported by the GIMP)
    this is unlikely to be tolerable.
    The generic C implementation of the burn function uses this
    look-up table, the mmx/sse implementations have been commented out.
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