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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/actions/actions.h. added the various return_if_no_foo() macros here. · 3590757d
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-05-03  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/actions/actions.h. added the various return_if_no_foo()
    	macros here.
    	* app/actions/channels-commands.c
    	* app/actions/dialogs-commands.c
    	* app/actions/drawable-commands.c
    	* app/actions/edit-commands.c
    	* app/actions/file-commands.c
    	* app/actions/image-commands.c
    	* app/actions/layers-commands.c
    	* app/actions/qmask-commands.c
    	* app/actions/select-commands.c
    	* app/actions/vectors-commands.c
    	* app/actions/view-commands.c: removed them here. Some cleanup.
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