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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    app/brush_select.[ch] removed almost all code by using the · 26789497
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-02-12  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/brush_select.[ch]
    	* app/pattern_select.[ch]: removed almost all code by using
    	the GimpContainerGridView.
    	* app/brushes.c
    	* app/patterns.c: brush|pattern_select_freeze|thaw_all() don't
    	exist any more.
    	* app/devices.c: made it work again.
    	* app/gimpgradientpreview.c: the gradient popup is 128 x 32 again.
    	* app/plug_in.c: follow the brush and pattern dialog function
    	* app/gimppalette.[ch]
    	* app/gimppalettepreview.c: added a "Columns" attribute and show
    	the popups accordingly.
    	The palette file format has changed again. It now can have an
    	optional "Columns: <n>" line after the palette's name.
    	* data/palettes/Bgold.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Borders.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Cascade.gpl
    	* data/palettes/China.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Coldfire.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Dark_pastels.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Ega.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Gold.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Grayblue.gpl
    	* data/palettes/Hilite...