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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    app/color_picker.c app/convert.c app/curves.c app/gimpdrawable.c · 2458bfcb
    Sven Neumann authored
    2000-12-13  Sven Neumann  <>
            * app/color_picker.c
            * app/convert.c
            * app/curves.c
            * app/gimpdrawable.c
            * app/gimpimage.c
            * app/gimpimage.h
            * app/image_map.c
            * app/info_window.c
            * app/layer.c
            * app/undo.c: couldn't resist: renamed TYPE_HAS_ALPHA() to
            * plug-ins/common/sunras.c
            * plug-ins/common/xwd.c: small cleanups
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