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  • Manish Singh's avatar
    ported to the new treeviewized file selection widget. Unfortunately, · 220b7a2f
    Manish Singh authored
    2002-01-30  Manish Singh  <>
            * app/gui/file-open-dialog.c: ported to the new treeviewized file
            selection widget. Unfortunately, multiple selections aren't supported
            anymore so it's still broke. I'll make a patch to gtk to address this
            after I get some sleep.
            * app/widgets/gimppreview.h
            * libgimpwidgets/gimpcolorarea.h
            * plug-ins/FractalExplorer/Events.c
            * plug-ins/common/film.c
            * plug-ins/common/plugindetails.c
            * plug-ins/fp/fp_misc.c
            * plug-ins/rcm/rcm_callback.c
            * plug-ins/rcm/rcm_misc.c: REALLY REALLY ugly hack to get things to
            build under the latest enum deprecations. Of course, we'll remove
            these when these files compile with deprecation turned on
            * plug-ins/dbbrowser/dbbrowser_utils.c: warning cleanup
            * libgimpwidgets/
            * libgimpwidgets/gimpoffsetarea.c: need a custom marshaller for
            our signal since the gtk marshaller we used went away.
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