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  • William Skaggs's avatar
    Bill Skaggs <> · 1a18bdd2
    William Skaggs authored
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/NEWS
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg.c
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg.h
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg_load.c
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg_load.h
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg_save.c
    	* plug-ins/jpeg/jpeg_save.h: moved jpeg code into new
    	dir and split up, already too large and a good bit more
    	will be needed for proper exif handling.
    	* plug-ins/common/jpeg.c: removed
    	* plug-ins/
    	* plug-ins/common/ changed accordingly
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