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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    pixmaps/ new pixmap. "Someone" needs to go over the pixmaps one · 16fa029b
    Michael Natterer authored
    2001-03-12  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* pixmaps/
    	* pixmaps/edit.xpm: new pixmap. "Someone" needs to go over the
    	pixmaps one day ;)
    	* app/gimpdatafactoryview.c
    	* app/gimpdrawablelistview.c: use the new icon.
    	* app/floating_sel.c: stupid: the new gimp_layer_get_opacity()
    	accessor speaks in normalized [0.0..1.0] values, so the
    	floating selection was invisible after blindly using it.
    	* app/gimpimage.c: more stupid: a totally useless sanity clamping
    	made the composite preview ugly. Fixed.
    	* app/tools/tool_manager.c: why the heck did this never crash before:
    	don't dereference a NULL GDisplay pointer.