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  • Sven Neumann's avatar
    app/config/gimpcoreconfig.c app/config/gimpguiconfig.c need to free the · 11fea041
    Sven Neumann authored
    2005-04-07  Sven Neumann  <>
    	* app/config/gimpcoreconfig.c
    	* app/config/gimpguiconfig.c
    	* app/config/gimppluginconfig.c: need to free the return value of
    	gimp_config_build_foo_path() now that gimp_param_spec_path() is
    	sane and doesn't take ownership of the passed string any longer.
    	* plug-ins/FractalExplorer/Dialogs.c
    	* plug-ins/gfig/gfig-dialog.c
    	* plug-ins/gflare/gflare.c
    	* plug-ins/gimpressionist/utils.c: use gimp_config_build_data_path().
    	* plug-ins/Lighting/lighting_ui.c
    	* plug-ins/common/CML_explorer.c
    	* plug-ins/common/channel_mixer.c
    	* plug-ins/common/curve_bend.c
    	* plug-ins/common/gqbist.c
    	* plug-ins/common/spheredesigner.c
    	* plug-ins/flame/flame.c
    	* plug-ins/gimpressionist/brush.c
    	* plug-ins/ifscompose/ifscompose.c
    	* plug-ins/imagemap/imap_browse.c
    	* plug-ins/imagemap/imap_file.c
    	* plug-ins/print/gimp_main_window.c: set alternative button order
    	on file-chooser dialogs (as well as default response where missing).
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