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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    removed the hack that was displaying "Floating Selection" instead of the · 10d80dac
    Michael Natterer authored
    2004-09-22  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c
    	(gimp_layer_tree_view_floating_selection_changed): removed the
    	hack that was displaying "Floating Selection" instead of the
    	floating layer's real name.
    	* app/core/gimplayer.c: implement GimpViewable::get_description()
    	instead and special case floating selections with a two-line
    	text that contains "Floating Selection".
    	* app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c
    	* app/core/gimpimage-undo-push.c: emit "name_changed" on the layer
    	when it changes its state from floating to normal or vice versa
    	so the views can update accordingly.
    	* app/core/gimpselection.c: s/"Selection"/"Floated Layer"/.
    	* app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:
    	s/"Floating Layer"/"Floating Selection"/.
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