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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    bail out instead of crashing if the tool has no display. · 106b09f5
    Michael Natterer authored
    2008-10-31  Michael Natterer  <>
    	* app/tools/gimptexttool.c (gimp_text_tool_key_press): bail out
    	instead of crashing if the tool has no display.
    	(gimp_text_tool_xy_to_offset): need to adjust all drawing and
    	event coordinates by a possible negative offset between logical
    	rectangle and ink rectangle (if the ink rectangle is larger than
    	the logical one).
    	* app/display/gimpdisplayshell-callbacks.c
    	(gimp_display_shell_canvas_tool_events): continue normally if
    	tool_manager_key_press_active() returns FALSE.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=27484