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  • Jehan's avatar
    plug-ins: multi-layer support in PSD load/export. · 0f0e63ff
    Jehan authored
    - Store the Layer ID (lyid) block. Use GIMP's layer tattoo as a PSD
      layer ID, hence mirroring PSD load processing (we were already reading
      this block into our layer tattoos but always exporting with no ID).
    - Add support for the Layer Selection ID(s) block (0x042D) both on
      import and export in order to store and restore the multi-layer
      We were previously using the Layer state information block (0x0400) to
      store the active layer, but it doesn't seem to be usable for multiple
      layer selection. Actually it is even doubtful if this was working fine
      even for single layer selection but I can't be sure (I could only test
      in non-Photoshop software available to me). So the new logics is:
      * If more than 1 layer is selected, store only the Layer Selection
        ID(s) block.
      * If exactly 1 layer is selected, store both the Layer Selection ID(s)
        and Layer state information blocks.
      * Otherwise (no layers selected) do not store any of these blocks.