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  • David Odin's avatar
    make use of private data instead of struct members. Added a · 0730c66b
    David Odin authored
    * libgimp/gimpzoompreview.[ch]: make use of private data instead of struct
      members. Added a gimp_zoom_preview_get_drawable so we can still get the
      drawable from a preview in plug-ins.
      Also changed gimp_zoom_preview_get_data to gimp_zoom_preview_get_source,
      to make it more obvious what it returns.
    * libgimp/gimpui.def
    * plug-ins/common/AlienMap2.c
    * plug-ins/common/apply_lens.c
    * plug-ins/common/blinds.c
    * plug-ins/common/channel_mixer.c
    * plug-ins/common/colorify.c
    * plug-ins/common/flarefx.c
    * plug-ins/common/illusion.c
    * plug-ins/common/jigsaw.c
    * plug-ins/common/mapcolor.c
    * plug-ins/common/max_rgb.c
    * plug-ins/common/nova.c
    * plug-ins/common/polar.c
    * plug-ins/common/retinex.c
    * plug-ins/common/waves.c
    * plug-ins/common/whirlpinch.c: changed accordingly.
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