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  • Kevin Cozens's avatar
    Based on changes made to Script-Fu by Sven Neumann. · c06b7415
    Kevin Cozens authored
    2006-06-16  Kevin Cozens  <>
    	Based on changes made to Script-Fu by Sven Neumann.
    	* tiny-fu/tiny-fu-types.h (struct SFScript): Renamed member "help"
    	to "blurb" since that's what it is being used for when the script
    	procedure is registered.
    	* tiny-fu/tiny-fu-interface.c
    	* tiny-fu/tiny-fu-scripts.c: Changed accordingly.
    	* tiny-fu/tiny-fu-scripts.c (tiny_fu_add_script): Use a canonical
    	name for the automatically added run-mode parameter.
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