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gi-docgen 2023.2


- Use packaging module to properly compare versions
- Add "implements" in class definition pseudocode
- Ignore the first class instance struct field
- Parse default-value attribute [#103]
- Test the gtk-doc sigil parsing
- Support admonitions in docblocks [#170]
- Add link to the extra content files location in the source repository [#118]
- Search for GIR XML in `$GI_GIR_PATH` and `/usr/share/gir-1.0` [!196]
- Add fallback for missing "since" [!198]


- Redesign the search results
- Redesign the index for enumeration types


- Match dependencies list in the index and sidebar [!177]
- Use KeyboardEvent.key to focus search input [#151]
- Build fixes for subproject use [!185]
- Remove display:flex from headings [#147]
- Split transfer notes based on direction [#141]
- Clarify signal flags [!189]
- Hide build section if empty [#160]
- Always explicitely use utf-8 when reading/writing files [!193]
- use `color-scheme: dark` when in dark mode [!188]