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GI-Docgen 2021.8

Changes since 2021.7

- Allow `id` fragments to link across namespace boundaries [!97]
- Support links to have custom text [#100]
- Decrease the max font size [!99, Patrick Griffis]
- Improve output for properties and signals [#106]
- Save last search in the history [#102]
- Don't crash on unlabelled array elements [!92, Guido Günther]
- Move type functions near constructors [#99]
- Switch to Solarized for syntax highlighting [#101]
- Use the C type for callback types in search results [!106]
- Generate proper cross-reference links [#107]
- Parse and use new gobject-introspection property attributes [!108]
- Properly identify (type, gpointer) types [#110]
- List the interface implementations in a namespace [#104]
- List the class descendants in a namespace [#105]