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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Fri Jul 24 16:01:28 2009 Jiri (George) Lebl <> · e5427170
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    	* src/calc.c, src/compil.c: Correctly compile/decompile all the new
    	  function attributes
    	* src/calc.c: correctly print out the local stuff, handle local node
    	  correctly when outside of functions
    	* src/funclib.c, src/graphing.c: handle eof errors from parsing
    	  things correctly without dying.
    	* src/dict.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h: is_local generally should
    	  not be moved around with the function.  Also correctly copy/free
    	  all the other attributes when needed as well.
    	* src/eval.c: Set arguments BEFORE extradict.  This should never
    	  be an issue, but it feels more correct.
    	* src/dict.c: when the subst list becomes empty, remove from subst
    	  list to avoid unnecessary lookups
    	* lib/*/*.gel: update and fix for the [] operator
    	* src/geniustests.txt: Add some testcases
    	* src/symbolic.c: just a comment change
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