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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    figure out a way to work around VTE nonsense, one way to get at current · 9a634f69
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Wed Jun 04 03:51:25 2008  Jiri (George) Lebl <>
    	* src/gnome-genius.c: figure out a way to work around VTE nonsense,
    	  one way to get at current absolute row is by checking the cursor
    	  location and assuming it is on the last line.  Improve
    	  monitoring by using a text buffer and allow to turn off the 
    	  automatic updates.  Full answer is now wrapped if not a matrix.
    	  Don't set icon if it doesn't exist to avoid warning.  Don't try
    	  to use readline helper from current dir if not in dev dir.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=657
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