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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    handle crashes of the readline-helper without hanging. Slight · 938801c1
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Feb 26 00:54:16 2009  Jiri (George) Lebl <>
    	* src/gnome-genius.c: handle crashes of the readline-helper without
    	  hanging.  Slight reorganization of startup to show window few
    	  nanoseconds faster.  Also don't use gtk_show_uri yet.  This
    	  causes backwards binary incompatibility which sucks as my other
    	  laptop uses hardy.
    	* src/calc.c: slight improvement in help handling.  Don't sort
    	  the functions in the categories until we really need to.
    	* src/dict.c: when checking for similar id's do the sum and a square
    	  sum to check for reorderings.  This fixes the strange suggestions
    	* src/genius-readline-helper.c: avoid crashes on getting SIGINT, ignore
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=738
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