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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Much nicer pretty printing of matrices. Rather than using tabs, use commas · 81982356
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Nov 15 23:30:51 2007  Jiri (George) Lebl <>
    	* src/calc.c: Much nicer pretty printing of matrices.  Rather
    	  than using tabs, use commas and align elements successive rows.
    	  Both nicer, more readable (when MixedFractions is on) and more
    	  compact way of seeing matrices.  Yay!
    	* src/lexer.l: drop the tab support for entering matrices.  Not only
    	  was it stupid, it didn't work on the command line
    	* src/funclib.c: fix print, printn and display functions to not follow
    	  the line length limits like normal output
    	* src/calc.c: when pretty printing a matrix, only print the leading
    	  newline if we are not in fact on the start of a line
    	* check for svn rather than cvs to add extra warnings
    	* src/gnome-genius.c: make is_uri static to avoid a warning
    	* help/C/genius.xml: update the manual
    	* NEWS: update
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=614
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